Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Changing Release Date

I have still been working on the project, although much more slowly as I enter into the last week of course work. I will be able to devote a great deal more time to the project starting next week, but since I have just passed the halfway mark for writing and preliminary layout the release date will definitely have to be pushed back to August.

Once this project is finally done I aim to turn my attention to some other projects that I can finish very quickly.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Progress Ongoing, But Pushed Back

I have made progress on the project since my last post, but have grown increasingly busy with schoolwork. I have also just finished editing the manuscript for "This is Not a Test," a post-apocalyptic wargame that is currently under development. You can learn more about it on the game's Facebook page, or official forum.

I am still hoping to have the new project finished and up for sale by the end of the month.